Thursday, 7 August 2014

1/144 HG Arios Gundam Review

Arios Gundam, one of the 3.5rd generation gundams from Gundam 00 season 2. I have to say due to its sleek design it's probably the most badass gundam out of the 4 gundams in season 2. XD

                        Side shot
                          Rear shot
Thanks to the unique ball joint this model has the shoulder can go pretty far up and the elbow joint can bend up to about 135 degree.
The legs can bend up to almost 180 degree which is impressive for a transformable model kit.
The balance of this kit is also superb which is to be expected since it doesn't have any crazy backpack to drag it down.
 The ball joint that is unique to this kit does bring a problem and that is it hinders the poseability of the kit.
 Unlike your general ball joint, the ball joint that connects Arios's shoulder to its body sits in 45 degree which greatly hinders the shoulder from swinging forward or backward.

 But, even with the limitation of the movement in the shoulders the Arios can still pose some dynamic poses. Hell, the kit still looks badass just by standing there. XDDD

                    DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH ME?!

 Despite the limitation in the shoulder's possibility, the kit can still pose some epic side way shooting poses. But if you fiddle too much with the joint the arms will drop down over the time
which is not that big of an issue as it can be solved by strengthening the joint using some model cement.

 Although, the Arios is in the same line as 1/144 Hg 00 gundam don't expect it to do the split as this is as wide as the legs can go without any modification.
 Again,due to the shoulder joint this is as close as the kit can do in mimicking the pose when Arios was shooting down all the Gaga in the anime.

The transformation of this kit is relatively easy and painless. Most important of all it doesn't require any parts-forming which is a plus considering that this is only a high grade.

One of the twin beam rifle's barrel can swing down so that it can perform air to ground attack but I didn't bother to take a photo as it wasn't shown in the anime. Definitely not because I was too lazy.      =3=
Sorry for the messy table. XDD Another thing to note is that the connection to the action base is at the ass  backside of the Arios so it would be a pain in the ass for the Arios to go aerial in MA mode.
Even though the MA mode looks okay I still prefer the MS mode more due to its menacing and aggressive appearance. (Epic fail for trying to show off the gn beam shield which Arios never used in the anime. XD)

You wouldn't want to see Arios coming at you in this way through the view finder of your cockpit.
                      HAHAHA!!! YOU CAN RUN BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE!!!!!
The kit itself comes with one long and one slightly shorter beam blades but I lost my left weapon grasping hand so yeah.........there aren't that many poses you can pull off due to the limitation of the shoulder but even so Arios still looks darn impressive nevertheless. By the way the hilt of the sabers are stored at the back of front skirt armor when not in use.

My favorite shot. I have removed the child friendly parts molded in the antenna to make the kit look sharper.
Overall the 1/144 Hg Arios gundam is a good kit and there are only a few places that need some extra painting to make it look anime accurate. If you are a fan of 00 this kit is a must get so that you can recreate the super sentai team with the other 3 gundams. XD

                   That's all from me see you in the next post which will probably take ages to post.  XDDDD

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