Thursday, 28 August 2014

Hg Age 2 Normal

Hi, accel here again. XD  This time I'll be reviewing the 1/144 Hg Age 2 Normal. The main suit for the second generation of Gundam Age. Say what you want about Gundam Age but I instantly fell in love with the design of this suit when it was first revealed.

Piloted by the "Super Pilot" , Asemu Asuno, the design of this suit is sharp and edgy no thanks to those 4 wing binders. I am surprised at how the the kit is almost anime accurate in terms of color.....well I guess the simple design helps but still I am impressed.......... Must resist painting it all white....    XD

Since this is the Age line we are talking about, the articulation is superb and the overall balance of the kit is not bad.......mainly because there isn't any backpack.......cough....Gundam Seed......cough Gundam Seed Destiny........

No problem at all if you want to execute a Char Kick.........not sure why you want to do that but yeah not a problem at all........

00's level of split.........checked......but because of this huge range of articulation the kit does tend to do the split by itself while just standing there.....

The hyper dots rifle looks great and yeah the kit also came with a tiny shield.......I guess it's better than least it can block the beam coming out from Zeheart's long barrel.....  Am I the only one who saw the bromance between Asemu and Zeheart? It's just me? Well.....Okay........ =3=

The kit can pull off some dynamic poses on the ground thanks to the great articulation......but let's all be honest here......this kit is meant to pull off aerial poses......

Yup, that's better........XD


The kit included a stand so that you can store the parts needed for the parts forming on it.......a clever and convenient design from Bandai......

Beam sabers' hilt are stored at the back just like the setting in the anime.

A sight you wouldn't want to see in your cock pit's viewfinder.......

The boxart of the MG Age 2 Normal......kinda of..... (=_=)

The kit is easy to pose unlike it's MG me.......I have been through hell just trying to get the MG into a decent pose on my shelf..........

爆発しろ リア充!!!!!!!!!
Go Hikigaya......I mean Asemu........kill all those  リア充....urgh....I mean Vagan.........what's gotten in me lately?

Slashing to the future pose.......

That's a Gundam!!!!!!!

I AM GUNDAM!!!!!!!!!

Opps.......wrong suits for this pose...........

Get the Fxxx OUT OF MY REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!

The transformation is easy and fast if you compare it to it's MG counterpart.

Rear view.

The MA form looks sharp and sleek.

The stand can even allow a few degree of roll which makes the kit look a bit more dynamic.

Overall, this kit is a must get if you are a fan of the design. While, the MG may have more details on it than this Hg but I'll still recommend this over the MG mainly because the MG is a pain in the arse to pose and transform. Don't get me wrong ,the MG is interesting to build due to its unique construction but it's just that the Hg is almost anime accurate in terms of color separation and so much better to pose with.

That's all from me now. Hope to see you again in the next review. XDD

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