Maybe it's just me but I am really not a fan of the sculpture of the head for this RG Freedom. Yeah the color separation is superb compared to it's HG counterpart but the mouth plate is placed too deep into the head. It just doesn't look like the Freedom from the anime.
Thanks to the inner frame the RG Freedom has a huge range of articulation.
The armor splitting feature is a nice plus but do be careful as the dark blue part at the knee tends to become loose and fall off.
No problem if you want to pull off a Char kick.
As you can probably tell by now, this whole review will be conducted with the Freedom being on a stand. There is just no way you can get this to stand on its own without it looking awkward.
This is how the Freedom looks like when the wings are deployed.
You can see that the face plate lies just too deep into the face making it look kinda weird in some angles.
Let's admit it......this will be one of the poses that you will most probably put you Freedom in...... d(`・∀・)b
All the color separations you are seeing here are all done up in plastics.......the only stickers I used are the head camera and the eyes.
You have got to give it to Bandai when it comes to color separation on this thing. Not to mention this is in 1/144 scale. (;゚д゚)
The side skirts can unfold and become the Xiphas rail cannons. There is a handle on it where the Freedom can hold onto.
Here comes the Full Burst Mode that only this RG and the MG can pull off while the wings are deployed.
You wouldn't want to be one of the grunt suits when Freedom is in this form. XD
A more dynamic pose of the full burst mode.
In this RG the wings of the Freedom can be further separated by pulling the top part off hence creating a more impressive looking wing span. (✪ω✪)
Opps........accidentally captured my lighting equipment as well.........but this shot is just too awesome to ignore...... (*ˇωˇ*人)
As Jesus Yamato, I command thee to bow before me.
The beam sabers are connected firmly to the side skirts by a peg which is a great improvement over the HG that tends to fall off easily.
The beam effect parts are MG sized therefore making the beam sabers looked overkill. (((゚д゚)))
Thanks to the peg the Freedom can wield the beam saber without any problem.
If so, I am going to shoot you. Then proceeded to slash Saviour into pieces. (|||゚д゚)
The hilt of the sabers can be combined to form a double-bladed beam saber.
FREEDOM LIGHT BUTTERFLY.... (ㄏ ̄▽ ̄)ㄏ ㄟ( ̄▽ ̄ㄟ)
Seriously though......nothing beats a mech that has wings on its back. XD
Now another iconic pose that you have to make your Freedom to pose. (΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵)
I can already hear the opening song of Gundam Seed playing at the background just by looking at this pose. XD
So, do I recommend this kit? The answer is yes if you are a fan of the design. The kit has superb color separation and amazing articulation if you compared it to its HG counterpart.
I have always wanted a highly detailed 1/144 MS and the RG line has definitely fulfilled my desire.
The kit itself will look excellent even if you build it straight out of the box but as a modeler I suggest sanding the nub marks on the white parts so that it won't turn yellow over time and stick up like a sore thumb.
Oh, if you fell like worshiping Jesus Yamato himself the kit also came with a 1/144 scale figure.
That's all from me and I'll see you in the next review. ( ゚∀゚)o彡゚
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